File System Basics

File System Basics A file system handles the persistent storage of data files, apps, and the files associated with the operating system itself. Therefore, the file system is one of the fundamental resources used by all processes. APFS is the default file s


These container directories constitute the app’s primary view of the file system. Figure 1-1 shows a representation of the sandbox directory for an app.Figure 1-1  An iOS app operating within its own sandbox directory


Figure 1-2 shows how the local, system, and user domains map to the local file system of a macOS installation. (The network domain is not shown but is similar in many ways to the local domain.) This figure shows the visible directories that the user might see. Depending on the user’s system, other directories may be visible or some of the ones shown here may be hidden.Figure 1-2  The local macOS file system


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